We think more people should understand and accept the true definition of irony and so have gone about setting up a Campaign for Real Irony (CRI). Please support this cause by putting CRI badges on your website or websites. If you require a high-resolution image for printing then please request one.
Become a CRIer and adopt the badge of pride - put it on your website and let people know about the Campaign for Real Irony and be a CRIer! By putting these badges on your website you will be helping make a difference in our Campaign for Real Irony.
Code:Size: 88 x 31
<a href="http://www.isitironic.com/"> <img src="images/Crier/88x31.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="" /> </a>
Code:Size: 120 x 60
<a href="http://www.isitironic.com/"> <img src="images/Crier/125x60.gif" width="125" height="60" alt="" /> </a>
Code:Size: 125 x 125
<a href="http://www.isitironic.com/"> <img src="images/Crier/125x125.gif" width="125" height="125" alt="" /> </a>